Reform, Restore, Relax – Postnatal Bliss with Reformer Pilates

As every new mother knows, the postnatal period is nothing short of an emotional whirlwind, where feelings can swing from **elation** to fatigue in a matter of moments. 

It's a time when your world expands to include a precious newborn, and your own identity undergoes a profound shift.

Yet, within the postpartum landscape lies the incredible potential for renewal, strength, and alignment– Reformer Pilates small group classes.  

Hello Brunna and Kelly here, owners and pilates Instructors at Ambition Studios. We’ve been studying and working within the health and fitness and teaching Pilates for over 20 years. 

At Ambition, you’ll find an exclusive but welcoming fitness studio with the latest reformer equipment.

Together, we are here to guide you through postnatal recovery – a journey filled with postpartum challenges that require personalised and holistic attention.

This article is your portal to postnatal wellness, and it's designed especially for new moms who are seeking effective and tailored exercises to regain their strength and alignment. 

Let's take a moment to compare this journey to a puzzle, with every piece representing an aspect of postnatal recovery. Each piece fits perfectly, creating a picture of vitality, confidence, and well-being. 

In what follows, we'll delve into the elements of postnatal recovery, the benefits of exercise, and the role of Reformer Pilates in helping you restore your strength, alignment, and overall well-being. 

Together, we'll unlock the transformative potential of your postpartum journey, one piece at a time.

Navigating the Adventure of Postnatal Recovery

Postnatal recovery is a transformative journey that follows the miraculous experience of childbirth. 

It is a pivotal phase in a new mother's life, marked by profound physical and emotional changes. This process is not only significant but also highly individual, as each woman's body and experiences are unique.

Physically, postnatal recovery encompasses the restoration of the body's pre-pregnancy state. It involves healing from the rigours of childbirth, including 

  • The recovery of the pelvic floor muscles. 

  • Abdominal muscles.

  • Overall musculoskeletal system. 

Emotionally, the postpartum period can be a rollercoaster of emotions. A journey we know well – having recovered from childbirth through Reformer more than once.

The demands of caring for a newborn, coupled with sleep deprivation, hormonal shifts, and the adjustment to a new identity as a mother, can create a profound emotional landscape – not to be underestimated. 

New mothers often encounter challenges in regaining strength and alignment during this phase. The physical toll of pregnancy and childbirth can result in weakened core muscles, altered posture, and potential misalignment. 

The added responsibilities of infant care can strain the body further. Often leading to issues like lower back pain and reduced overall strength. New mothers need to address these challenges with great care. 

The journey of postnatal recovery with the experienced team at Ambition Studios promises to be nothing short of a breakthrough experience. The team will guide you in regaining your strength, alignment, and overall well-being as you embrace this beautiful phase of motherhood. 

Next, let’s look at how Reformer Pilates can be your trusty companion on this remarkable journey. 

The Postnatal Power-Up - Why Exercise Is Important To Your Recovery 


Exercise is vital for postnatal recovery, and its significance cannot be overstated. It plays a key role in restoring physical strength and alignment, nurturing emotional well-being, and aiding in the transition to a newfound identity as a mother. 

At Ambition Studios, we understand that not all fitness experiences are created equal. Our boutique studio, with its small number of Reformer beds, offers a unique advantage over larger studios and gyms. Here, you'll receive hands-on, tailored guidance, ensuring that your form is correct and safe. 

Not to mention, your postnatal exercise routine will be both effective and **enjoyable**.

Physically, postnatal exercise helps to rebuild the strength of the core muscles that have been stretched and stressed during pregnancy. It aids in the realignment of your body, addressing any postural changes that may have occurred. Engaging in regular, safe, and effective exercises can alleviate common discomforts such as lower back pain, and improve overall physical stamina.

On a mental and emotional level, postnatal exercise is equally transformative. 

Exercise releases endorphins, the body's natural mood elevators, helping to combat feelings of postpartum depression and anxiety. It offers a rare moment of self-care and self-reflection in the midst of nurturing a newborn.

Choosing the right exercises is paramount in postnatal recovery. 

Our focus at Ambition Studios is to offer workouts designed to cater to the unique needs of postpartum bodies. We understand that not all exercises are suitable during this phase, and we are here to guide you in selecting the most appropriate routines. 

We prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring that you receive the attention and care you deserve. 

In the next section, we will explore specific reformer exercises that can enhance your postnatal recovery journey.

This is where the magic of Reformer Pilates comes in. 

Let's dive into the wonderful world of Reformer Pilates – Our Passion. 

Reformer Pilates – Your Postnatal Wellness Solution

Reformer Pilates is a transformative and dynamic exercise method that distinguishes itself from traditional Pilates. The Reformer, a specialised piece of equipment, elevates the Pilates experience. It provides a versatile and highly effective workout that caters to various fitness levels and postnatal recovery.

Unlike traditional mat Pilates, which primarily employs body weight for resistance, Reformer Pilates incorporates a spring-based resistance system. 

This innovation allows for an expansive range of exercises, which can be adapted to meet varying individual needs and abilities. It's this adaptability that sets Reformer Pilates apart as an ideal choice for postnatal women.

One of the remarkable features of Reformer Pilates is its low-impact nature, which is gentle on the body while delivering powerful results. This aspect is particularly important in postnatal recovery. It minimizes stress on joints and muscles, making it an ideal choice for new mothers who may be navigating physical changes, like weakened core muscles and postural misalignments.

Let’s delve deeper into the specific exercises and techniques that make Reformer Pilates ideal for your postnatal recovery path.

Reformer Pilates - Your Postnatal Recovery Superpower

Reformer Pilates addresses the specific challenges that often occur during the postpartum period, including weakened core muscles, pelvic floor issues and postural realignment.

One of the key areas Reformer Pilates excels is rebuilding core strength. The dynamic exercises on the Reformer such as leg circles or the swan are designed to target the deep abdominal muscles. These exercises play a central role in supporting the spine and maintaining posture. 

For postnatal women, this means addressing the muscle imbalances that can result from pregnancy and childbirth, restoring stability, and alleviating lower back pain.

Another major focus for Reformer Pilates is pelvic floor health. 

Welcome to Kegals HEAVEN!

During pregnancy and childbirth, pelvic muscles muscles can undergo stress and weakening. Postnatal women may experience issues like urinary incontinence, a lack of sensation, and even discomfort.

The controlled movements on the Reformer facilitate the engagement and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles. Here are a few reformer exercises that promote pelvic floor strengthening, 

  • Leg Springs Series –  Uses Reformer's spring resistance to engage the lower abdominal muscles, which are important for pelvic floor support. The spring resistance adds an extra dimension making them more effective.

  • The Magic Circle – Fantastic for pelvic floor exercises. You squeeze the circle between the thighs or ankles to target the inner thigh and pelvic floor muscles. 

Regular engagement helps regain control, enhance muscle tone, and alleviate common postpartum concerns with the pelvic floor. 

Postural realignment is another common issue that can occur during the postpartum period. During pregnancy, the body often adapts to accommodate the growing fetus, which can lead to changes in posture. These changes can include rounding of the shoulders, an exaggerated curve in the lower back, and an altered pelvic tilt. 

Reformer Pilates is highly effective in addressing postural realignment issues as it focuses on strengthening and stretching the muscles necessary for maintaining proper posture. 

Reformer exercises like the Swan Dive, Breaststroke and Mermaid are great for postural realignment. They are also designed to be gentle yet effective, ensuring you regain your strength and alignment safely. 

The Reformer provides a supportive environment, allowing you to progress at your own pace while gradually restoring your body to its pre-pregnancy state.

Will Reformer Pilates Be Part of Your Recovery

In the intricate puzzle of postnatal healing, Reformer Pilates is a vital piece, offering new mums the promise of restoration, strength, and alignment.

The benefits of Reformer Pilates extend beyond the physical to nurture your emotional well-being amidst the demands of motherhood.

If you're ready to explore the transformative power of Reformer Pilates, whether you're a new mother or someone seeking a holistic approach to well-being, we invite you to contact us or visit our Ambition Studios. 

We're here to guide you. 

Do you find it challenging to engage your muscles effectively?

Perhaps it's time for a form reassessment.

Your form and technique are foundational in achieving mastery in each position, facilitating efficient and effective movement, and ushering in transformation within your body. To begin, let's delve into the five fundamental positions designed to optimize muscle recruitment and refine your overall technique. These fundamental stances can be applied to a variety of movements and exercise sequences. Once you've mastered them, you'll experience deep muscle engagement, increased strength and tone, and the fulfillment of your long-term fitness goals.

Exercise 1: Maintaining a Neutral Spine

A neutral spine represents the optimal alignment for your pelvis and spine, the way our bodies are naturally designed to support themselves. Achieving this posture allows the surrounding stabilizing muscles to engage and activate correctly.

The beauty of a neutral spine is that it can be maintained in various movement planes, whether you're lying on your back, front, or side, or even standing. It's essential to keep in mind the importance of preserving a neutral spine during every movement.

With a neutral spine, your lower abdominal muscles, hamstrings, and glutes will function and strengthen more efficiently.

Exercise 2: Perfecting the Pelvic Curl

The primary purpose of the pelvic curl is to promote mobility in the lower spine. Modern lifestyles, characterized by sedentary jobs and extended commutes, often lead to tightness in the hip flexors and lower lumbar region. This tightness can impede movement and compromise spinal health.

To master the pelvic curl, start with knees bent and feet hip-width apart on the mat, while your arms extend alongside your body. Inhale deeply as you gently tilt your pubic bone toward your spine and roll up into the bridge position, ensuring a continuous connection between your bottom ribs and hips. As you roll back down to the mat, visualize each vertebra of your spine settling onto the mat one by one, with your tailbone being the final point of contact.

Executing the pelvic curl in this controlled manner facilitates effective lower spine mobilization, enhances torso stabilization, and sets the stage for a successful workout each time.

Exercise 3 : Mastering the chest lift

The chest lift can be a somewhat misinterpreted exercise. If you were to instruct someone to perform a chest lift, their immediate reaction might be to fold their body in half, attempting to touch their forehead to their knees.

To achieve a successful chest lift, it's essential to uphold a neutral spine position and concentrate on smoothly sliding your ribs toward your hips as you lift your shoulders off the mat.

Begin this exercise in the same position as you would for a pelvic curl. Position your hands behind your head with your thumbs running down the back of your neck – this technique creates a kind of supportive hammock for your head as you move. While lifting, your head should feel substantial in your hands, ensuring that you rise as you simultaneously slide your ribs toward your hips, all while maintaining a neutral position.

Having your head feel somewhat weighty in your hands is instrumental in engaging your abdominal muscles correctly, thus preventing your neck muscles from assuming the lifting responsibility. To safeguard your neck, maintain your line of sight directed towards your knees during the entire exercise.


Breaking the Myths: Debunking 4 Common Misconceptions About Reformer Pilates

In the ever-evolving world of fitness, misinformation seems to be everywhere.  Misinformation can deter us from exploring new avenues that could genuinely revolutionise our well-being. 

Imagine being **obsessed** and eager to get to your next gym class. So much so that you’re 10 minutes early and doing every exercise and rep to its fullest. Instead of dragging your heels, rest before the last rep is done and simply box-ticking with your workouts! 

Plus it's a substantial workout that’ll leave you feeling strong!  

Yes – It's POSSIBLE. 

Reformer Pilates is a dynamic and holistic workout regimen. Unfortunately, it has been touched by several misconceptions. If you dig past the misconceptions, you’ll uncover the brilliance behind this transformative practice. 

It’s time to debunk some myths that’ve been holding you back from breathing new life back into your workouts.

Ambition Reformer Pilates Studio is a small specialized gym located in Dee Why on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Unlike larger studios with 20+ reformer beds, Ambition Studios has 7 beds. A small number of beds means instructors can offer tailored assistance throughout each class. With larger studios, it’s impossible for the instructors to keep an eye on and correct your form. 

Stay till the end to see how you can attend your first reformer pilates class at Ambition Studios. 

Let’s dive in and debunk these four myths about reformer pilates!

Myth #1:  Reformer Is Only for the Fit and Flexible

Let’s dispel this stubborn myth straightaway. 

Reformer Pilates is an all-encompassing practice, tailored to individuals of varied fitness levels. 

The root of this myth can be traced back to the false notion that Pilates exclusively caters to experienced Pilates students, athletes or dancers. Also, reformer Pilates is a more advanced version of mat Pilates. 

We’re here to tell you that neither of these are true.  

It’s easy to see where this has come from. For instance, it’s common to see images and videos of reformer pilates classes depicting students holding advanced poses. Poses that often look like you need a high level of flexibility or core strength. Certainly, a quick way to turn newcomers off.  

In reality, Reformer Pilates is a welcoming space that nurtures individuals, enabling you to advance at your own pace. You don’t need to be highly flexible, fit, a dancer or have done mat pilates to do reformer Pilates. You do reformer pilates to improve your flexibility and core strength. 

If you are brand new to all types of fitness all you need to do is tell the instructor before your class, and they’ll keep an eye on you for assistance.

Myth #2:  Reformer Pilates Is Not a Real Workout

Just **Wow.** 

On one side of the coin, you have some who think Reformer is difficult. Then on the other side, some believe it's too easy. Whoever believes this mix-up certainly hasn't tried a reformer pilates class at Ambition Studios. 

This needs immediate debunking. 

The misunderstanding likely arises from the false notion that an exercise session must induce sweat and physical strain to be productive. On top of that, the reformer machine makes it too easy. 

Both of these are untrue.  

Sweat has more to do with an individual's biology than the quality of exercise and calories burned. The amount of sweat doesn’t equate to how effective your workout is. 

The reality is that Reformer Pilates is grounded in deliberate movements. It targets your muscle engagement. This results in a harmonious and effective workout that’s gentle on your joints.

Myth #3: Reformer Pilates Is Just for Women

Reformer Pilates is often wrongly stereotyped as a workout exclusively tailored for women. The belief that it's a practice reserved solely for women is a narrow view that deserves debunking.

While it's true that Pilates can help women improve posture and flexibility, it's equally beneficial for men. Through Reformer Pilates sessions men can experience: 

  • Improved muscle tone 

  • Better athletic performance

  • Injury prevention

Think of Reformer Pilates as a balanced approach to fitness, much like a well-rounded diet. Just as a balanced diet ensures optimal health, Reformer Pilates ensures a balanced body. Men can benefit immensely from regular practice. It focuses on core strength, stability, and flexibility. All of which are critical for overall health and fitness.

For many of our male Ambition clients, we liken reformer to the game of golf. Just as golfers strive to master a set series of moves on each hole of their favourite course. Pilates students work through a prescribed set of exercises on the Reformer bed.

It focuses on enhancing the subtle improvements, the journey towards par or better. It strengthens core muscles, enhances flexibility, and boosts overall body control. All benefits that any person, regardless of gender, can appreciate. 

So, let go of the misinterpretation that Reformer Pilates is just for women. Discover how this practice can help you refine your physical mastery, just like a golfer perfecting their swing.

Myth #4: Reformer Pilates Is Similar to Yoga

This is a tricky one as they do share some similarities but they are certainly not the same and share many key differences. 

Both practices emphasize flexibility, mindfulness, and body awareness. But their approaches and objectives diverge. 

Yoga focuses on static poses, stretching, and meditation, often leading to increased flexibility. However, this hyper-flexibility can be counterproductive without balanced strength training. 

**Enter Reformer Pilates.**

Reformer is a dynamic practice that marries flexibility with strength, engaging core muscles and building lean muscle mass. Combining Yoga and Reformer disciplines can create a harmonious synergy.  Preventing over-flexibility and promoting a balanced, resilient body. 

Instead of viewing them as interchangeable, consider the idea that Reformer Pilates and yoga can complement each other perfectly. They offer a well-rounded path to health and fitness. 

Let’s Embracing the Authenticity of Reformer Pilates

Unfortunately, Reformer Pilates has been plagued by several misconceptions, which we've dismantled one by one. From dispelling the myth that it's only for people who are already fit and flexible. We've brought clarity to this transformative practice by proving it’s a real and effective workout. 

The potential of Reformer Pilates invites you to try it and see for yourself. Whether you're stepping onto the fitness path for the first time or you're a seasoned enthusiast. This is a means to fortify your body strength and deepen your connection with yourself.  

As you consider your fitness journey, remember that breaking free from these myths can open the door to a stronger, more balanced, and resilient you. 

Discover Reformer Pilates and the transformative power it holds for your overall well-being.

Book A Class

The Benefits of Reformer Pilates: Why It's Worth Trying

Are you tired of uninspiring workouts that leave you feeling disconnected from your own fitness journey?

Imagine a space where you're not just a number, but an integral part of a community that cares about your progress. With seasoned qualified Pilates instructors that are in tune with you and your body. 

Hello Brunna and Kelly here, owners and pilates Instructors at Ambition Studios. We’ve been studying health and fitness and teaching Pilates for over 20 years. We work with clients every day to achieve their health and fitness goals.

The world of Reformer Pilates is a workout that goes beyond the physical, improving both body and mind. It's a low-impact, high-intensity workout that calls for you to be in the moment to practice effectively. Those that have tried it know well that it's time carved out of your day to focus on YOU. 

We’ll explain the mind-body connection that Reformer offers further on.     

People of all ages and fitness backgrounds can enjoy the benefits of Reformers Pilates. Women and men particularly those aged between 50-75 are noticing the positive differences regular Reformer classes make to their bodies. It allows them to move more freely and be more mobile than they have been in years. 

Aging doesn’t need to mean less mobility! 

At Ambition Studios, we offer a small boutique welcoming space with the latest equipment, where you're not just another face in the crowd. Unlike fitness giants that often prioritise quantity over quality. Our focus is on providing a comfortable environment that fosters personalised transformation. 

We’ll get to know you and how your body moves – Its nuances. 

Stay till the end to realise how you can become a part of a Reformer Pilates studio that gives a tailored perspective. To ensure you are developing and improving in each session. 

By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll have a thorough understanding of, 

  • What Reformer Pilates is. 

  • The physical and mental benefits it brings.  

  • How it provides aligned posture and an energised focus mindset. 

Understanding Reformer Pilates

Reformer Pilates might sound like a foreign concept to beginners. But it's a hidden secret that's gaining traction for all the right reasons. 

Originally developed in the 1900s by Joe Pilates, it's a modality that focuses on core strength, poor posture and flexibility. Not to mention it increases muscle and pelvic floor strength. 

At its centre, Reformer Pilates is a form of exercise that utilises a specially designed machine to enhance your workout experience. The Reformer machine might seem intimidating, but don't let its appearance fool you – it's a **versatile** tool that can be adjusted to accommodate various fitness levels. It includes a system of pulleys, springs, straps, cables and bars, which are integrated with a  moving carriage. The carriage also has a headrest and shoulder blocks. Perfect for alignment and posture. 


What’s great about Reformer Pilates is that you’re functionally working your muscle. This means you work your muscles both eccentrically and concentrically. 

Eccentrically means the muscle is activated and lengthened. Like in a bicep curl when you lower the weight back toward your waistline. Whereas concentrical movements occur when your muscle fibres shorten. Again like in a bicep curl but when you curl your arm back up toward your shoulder. 

Ok but what’s the difference between Reformer and other types of Pilates? 

Let’s put it into context. 

How Reformer Pilates Differs From Traditional Mat Pilates

Mat Pilates is the foundation of the Pilates system. It entails a sequence of 34 exercises performed in a specific order on the mat. During a typical mat class, you’ll work on your legs, stomach and upper back. Body weight and gravity will provide the resistance that’ll make the workout a challenge. 

A primary difference between mat and Reformer Pilates is that working against resistance is an essential element in Reformer Pilates. It’s not just working against body weight and gravity like mat pilates. 

The Reformer machine lets you regulate the amount of resistance used in the workout. You do this by adjusting the straps, springs and cables. This means that each exercise can be modified to suit each person’s current capabilities. This can be done in mat pilates with the use of equipment but is limited. 

In my experience, I’ve found that beginners can often perform certain exercises that otherwise they wouldn’t ordinarily be able to do without the Reformer machine. Also, more advanced students can increase the intensity of their practice by adding or decreasing the resistance.  

Reformer Pilates has remarkable physical benefits! 

The Physical Benefits of Reformer Pilates

Say **goodbye** to those days of dreading your workout. Reformer Pilates keeps you engaged and excited about your fitness journey.

Through a series of controlled, precise movements, this workout targets your core, enhances flexibility, and builds lean muscles. Unlike traditional exercises that often leave you feeling drained, Reformer Pilates leaves you invigorated and energized. 

As you progress, you'll notice,

  • Improved posture and alignment. 

  • Reduced tension in your muscles. 

  • Increased joint mobility. 

You’ll often, if not during most sessions, complete exercises laying flat on your back on the spring-loaded carriage. This helps calms the nervous system because it's not the typical posture you do when you exercise. Your brain relaxes and your body becomes curious. 

The spring resistance still allows you to receive the same benefits you’d get from similar standing exercises. You’re still VERY much working your abdominals, glutes and the muscles that help you stay straight. 

How Reformer Pilates Forges Your Mind-Body Connection

At Ambition Studios, we believe that a holistic approach to wellness encompasses both physical and mental well-being. Reformer Pilates isn't just about toning your muscles; it's a practice that encourages mindfulness and self-awareness. 

It can be and is often referred to as physical therapy. 

For GOOD reason too. 

To really drop in and feel the benefits you need to quiet your mind and focused on the controlled movements. Each exercise requires concentration and precise execution, allowing you to tune out the noise of daily life and be present in the moment. 

The 6 principles of Pilates are what give Reformer its undoubtedly triple threat status– physical therapy, mindfulness and muscle-building practice. The pilates method moves with a combination of centring, control, precision, flow, concentration and breath.  

What other exercise do you know packs this combo?

Maybe yoga but the sophistication of the Reformer machine certainly gives it an edge. 

As you flow through each movement, you'll discover an enhanced mind-body connection that not only benefits your workouts but permeates every aspect of your life.

Can Reformer Pilates Improve Posture and Alignment?

In a world dominated by screens and sedentary lifestyles, poor posture has become a ubiquitous issue. Reformer Pilates comes to the rescue with its focus on strengthening your core and aligning your spine. 

There are a lot of reasons why Reformer Pilates is a fantastic practice for improving posture and alignment. Too many to go over today. We’ll focus on some of the obvious ones for now. 

When you are laying down on the carriage the shoulder block and headrest work to help you align yourself correctly. You press your shoulders against the blocks to gauge if you a positioned evenly on both sides. 

A major perk to having a smaller studio is that the instructor can keep a constant eye on each student. They can easily keep instructing and correct people’s alignment to ensure they’re doing the exercise properly. With larger studios, it can be near impossible for instructors to do this.  

Many of the exercises you’ll work through in each class have been tailored to mitigate posture and alignment issues like forward shoulders, flared ribs and a forward head. For instance when you are engaging in exercises using the straps. 

As you engage in each exercise, you'll find yourself becoming more mindful of your body's alignment. Over time, this mindfulness transcends the studio, leading to improved posture in your everyday activities. Stand taller, walk confidently, and say goodbye to discomfort caused by slouching. 

Reformer Pilates empowers you to embrace a more aligned and balanced life.

Your Reformer Pilates Journey Begins With Ambition Studios 

Reformer Pilates isn't just a workout; it's an invitation to transform your body and mind in a welcoming and supportive environment. 

Experience the benefits of improved flexibility, enhanced mind-body connection, and better posture as you embark on this empowering journey. Once you try it you’ll see how effective and versatile it is. 

You’ll leave with every muscle hurting in the best way possible! 

Take the leap and join Ambition for a Reformer Pilates class. Discover the transformative power that awaits. A healthier, more vibrant you is closer than you think.


Pilates: A Powerful Rehabilitation Tool for Injury Recovery

Recovering from injuries requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the physical and mental aspects of healing. At Ambition Studios, we believe in the transformative power of Pilates as a rehabilitation tool. With a team of skilled instructors and a supportive environment, our studio is dedicated to helping individuals regain strength, mobility, and confidence after injuries. In this blog post, we will explore how Pilates at Ambition Studios can play a vital role in your rehabilitation journey.

  • Individualized Approach

At Ambition Studios, we understand that every injury is unique, and each individual's needs vary. Our highly trained Pilates instructors work closely with clients to develop personalized rehabilitation programs tailored to their specific injuries and goals. With an emphasis on individualized attention, we ensure that exercises are modified and adapted to accommodate any limitations or restrictions. This approach allows for a safe and effective rehabilitation process that respects each person's unique circumstances.

  • Core Strengthening and Stability

Pilates is renowned for its focus on core strength and stability. After an injury, the body often experiences imbalances and weakness, which can lead to further complications or reinjury. At Ambition Studios, our Pilates rehabilitation programs incorporate targeted exercises to rebuild core strength, including the deep stabilizing muscles of the abdomen, back, and pelvis. By establishing a strong foundation, Pilates helps restore stability and proper movement patterns, reducing the risk of future injuries.

  • Flexibility and Range of Motion

Injuries can result in reduced flexibility and limited range of motion. Pilates, with its emphasis on controlled movements and stretching exercises, promotes flexibility and joint mobility. The Pilates repertoire at Ambition Studios includes exercises that target specific muscle groups, helping to lengthen muscles, release tension, and improve overall flexibility. Increased range of motion not only aids in injury recovery but also enhances functional movement and prevents future limitations.

  • Mind-body Connection and Body Awareness

The mind-body connection is crucial in the rehabilitation process. Pilates at Ambition Studios places great emphasis on body awareness and proper alignment. By focusing on precise movements and postural corrections, Pilates helps individuals develop a conscious understanding of their body's capabilities and limitations. This heightened body awareness enables clients to recognize and address potential issues before they escalate, fostering a sense of control and empowerment over their rehabilitation journey.

  • Expert Guidance and Support

Ambition Studios takes pride in its team of knowledgeable and experienced Pilates instructors who specialize in rehabilitation. With their expertise and guidance, clients receive the necessary support throughout their recovery process. Our instructors not only provide hands-on instruction and corrections but also offer encouragement, motivation, and empathy. The supportive environment at Ambition Studios ensures that clients feel empowered, safe, and confident as they navigate their rehabilitation journey.

  • Holistic Well-being

Recovering from an injury involves more than just physical rehabilitation; it requires attention to mental and emotional well-being as well. Pilates at Ambition Studios provides a sanctuary for individuals to find solace and clarity during their recovery process. The mindful and focused approach of Pilates, combined with the serene atmosphere of our studio, promotes mental well-being and stress relief. Engaging in Pilates sessions can help reduce anxiety, improve mood, and enhance overall quality of life.

At Ambition Studios, Pilates serves as a transformative tool for rehabilitation and recovery. With our individualized approach, focus on core strength and stability, flexibility training, mind-body connection, expert guidance, and holistic well-being, we are committed to supporting individuals through their injury rehabilitation journeys. Whether you are recovering from a sports-related injury, surgery, or any other type of injury, Pilates at Ambition Studios can help you rebuild strength, regain mobility, and restore confidence.


If you're looking to enhance your physical and mental well-being, improve your core strength, and achieve a balanced lifestyle, you've come to the right place. We invite you to explore the world of Pilates and discover the unique offerings and benefits of our studio, designed to transform your body and rejuvenate your spirit.

Pilates is a holistic approach to fitness that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and overall body conditioning. Through a series of controlled movements, Pilates targets deep muscles, improves posture, and enhances body awareness. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, recovering from an injury, or seeking stress relief, Pilates offers a low-impact, yet highly effective, workout suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

At our boutique Pilates studio in Dee Why, we pride ourselves on providing a personalized and intimate experience for our clients. Unlike large fitness centers, we maintain small class sizes to ensure individual attention and a sense of community. Our highly skilled instructors are passionate about Pilates and committed to helping you achieve your goals, whether it's improving flexibility, toning muscles, or enhancing overall fitness.

Our studio is equipped with Balanced Body apparatus, including reformer, Tower, Barrel, chair and spine corrector. These specialized pieces of equipment offer resistance and support, allowing for a wide range of exercises that target specific muscle groups. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced practitioner, our studio provides the perfect environment to challenge yourself and achieve optimal results.

We offer a range of classes tailored to suit various needs and preferences. Our classes suits all fitness levels and goals. We also offer private sessions for pre and postnatal clients, as well as rehabilitation programs for those recovering from injuries or managing specific conditions. Our class schedule is designed to accommodate busy lifestyles, with options for early mornings, lunchtime sessions, and evening classes.

Our boutique Pilates studio is conveniently located in the heart of Dee Why, making it easily accessible for residents of Sydney's Northern Beaches. Whether you live in Dee Why, nearby suburbs, or are visiting the area, our studio is just a short drive or walk away. Joining our Pilates community offers you the opportunity to improve your well-being.

Are you ready to embark on a Pilates journey? Visit our boutique Pilates studio in Dee Why, Sydney, and experience the benefits of this exceptional method. With our dedicated instructors, top brand equipment, diverse class offerings, and a welcoming environment, we are committed to helping you achieve your fitness goals and rejuvenate your mind and body :)

Boost Your Winter Immunity: The Power of Essential Micronutrients

As winter arrives with colder temperatures and shorter days, it's important to give our immune system an extra boost to stay strong during the cold and flu season. When it comes to fortifying our immune defenses and nurturing our overall well-being, we must pay attention to the power of micronutrients. Vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins, iron, selenium, and zinc are essential nutrients that play a crucial role in enhancing our immune function. In this article, we will explore the benefits of each of these micronutrients and discover the food sources that provide them.

Vitamin A: Fortifying Immunity

Vitamin A is known for its immune-enhancing properties. It helps maintain the health of our skin and mucous membranes, acting as a barrier against pathogens. Liver, butter, cream, grass-fed ghee, cod liver oil, egg yolks, and goat's cheese are excellent sources of vitamin A that can support your immune system during the winter months.

Vitamin C: The Immune-Boosting Antioxidant

Vitamin C is renowned for its immune-boosting abilities. It acts as a powerful antioxidant, protecting our cells from damage caused by free radicals. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, along with camu camu, kakadu plum, capsicum, kiwi, strawberries, papaya, broccoli, and leafy greens, are packed with vitamin C and can provide a much-needed immune boost.

Vitamin D: Sunshine and Immune Strength

Vitamin D is unique as it can be synthesized by our bodies when we are exposed to sunlight. However, during winter when sunlight exposure is limited, it's important to seek dietary sources. Liver, salmon, mackerel, cod liver oil, and sardines are excellent sources of vitamin D that can help support your immune system and maintain overall health.

B Vitamins: Vital for Immune Function

B vitamins, including B6 and B12, play a crucial role in supporting immune function. Liver, organ meats, shellfish (clams, mussels, and oysters), grass-fed beef, lamb, cheese, and eggs are rich in B vitamins, ensuring your immune system has the necessary support to function optimally.

Iron, Zinc, and Selenium: Building Immune Resilience

Iron, zinc, and selenium are essential minerals that contribute to a robust immune system. Grass-fed red meats, liver, organ meats, shellfish (oysters, mussels, and crab), poultry, pumpkin seeds, kidney, brazil nuts, and seafood (tuna, sardines, prawns) are excellent sources of these minerals, supporting immune resilience and overall well-being.

As we embrace the winter season, it's crucial to prioritize our immune system's strength and resilience. Micronutrients, such as vitamins A, C, D, E, B vitamins, iron, zinc, and selenium, play a vital role in enhancing our immune function. By incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into our diets, we can give our immune system the support it needs to protect us during the colder months. Let's nourish our bodies with the power of essential micronutrients and enjoy a winter season filled with vitality and wellness.

Bone Broth: A Nourishing Staple for Optimal Health

Beef Bone Broth Recipe:


  • 1 bag of organic, grass-fed beef bones (preferably joint bones)

  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (to aid mineral extraction)

  • Water

  • 1 onion (chopped with skin on)

  • 1 head of garlic (skin on)

  • Vegetable scraps (optional, or use 2 chopped carrots and 2 celery sticks)

  • 1 bay leaf


  1. In a slow cooker or large saucepan, combine all the ingredients and add enough water to cover them completely.

  2. Cook on low heat, allowing the broth to simmer for as long as possible. Ideally, simmer for 48 hours on the stovetop, occasionally adding water as it evaporates.

  3. Once cooked, remove all solids (bones and veggies) and strain the broth through a sieve.

  4. Allow the broth to cool, and then skim off any solidified fat from the top. This fat can be stored separately in the fridge for future use in cooking.

  5. Store the bone broth in the refrigerator for up to a week, or freeze it in portions. For babies, freezing in ice cube trays is convenient, while larger portions can be used for soups, casseroles, or cooking grains.

    Incorporating bone broth into your diet unlocks a myriad of health benefits, from enhanced immunity to improved digestion. By following a simple recipe and using organic, grass-fed bones, you can create a nutrient-dense elixir that nourishes your body.

Achieving a Toned Physique with Pilates

When it comes to achieving a toned and sculpted body, many people often turn to traditional strength training methods. However, there is a lesser-known exercise method that can be equally effective in helping you achieve your toning goals – Pilates. Pilates is renowned for its ability to strengthen and tone the body, providing a low-impact yet highly effective workout. In this blog post, we will explore how Pilates can help you attain a toned physique and sculpt your muscles to their full potential.

Building Lean Muscle:

Contrary to popular belief, you don't need heavy weights to build lean muscle and achieve a toned appearance. Pilates utilizes bodyweight exercises and resistance from various equipment, such as the Pilates reformer, to target and engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. By performing controlled and precise movements, Pilates helps you build long, lean muscles without bulk. This leads to a sculpted look with improved muscle definition.

Targeting Specific Muscle Groups:

Pilates exercises are designed to target specific muscle groups, allowing you to focus on areas you want to tone and shape. Whether it's your core, arms, legs, or glutes, Pilates provides a wide range of exercises that isolate and engage these muscle groups effectively. By incorporating exercises that target specific areas of your body, you can sculpt and tone those areas to achieve the desired results.

Core Strength and Stability:

A strong core is crucial for achieving a toned physique. Pilates places a strong emphasis on core strength by targeting the deep abdominal muscles, back muscles, and pelvic floor. These exercises help improve core stability and create a solid foundation for the rest of your body. As you strengthen your core through Pilates, you'll notice improved posture, increased muscle tone, and a more sculpted midsection.

Improved Flexibility and Posture:

Toned muscles are not just about strength but also about flexibility and proper alignment. Pilates incorporates stretching and lengthening exercises that improve flexibility, joint mobility, and overall posture. By elongating and stretching muscles, Pilates helps create a balanced and elongated appearance while reducing muscle tension and promoting a more upright posture.

Increased Muscle Endurance:

Pilates workouts often involve performing a series of repetitions and engaging in sustained isometric contractions. This helps improve muscle endurance, allowing you to perform exercises for longer durations without fatigue. By increasing your muscle endurance, you can optimize your workouts, perform more repetitions, and challenge your muscles to achieve a toned and defined physique.

Mind-Body Connection:

Pilates emphasizes the mind-body connection, encouraging you to focus on proper alignment, breath control, and body awareness during exercises. By engaging your mind and focusing on each movement, you can maximize the effectiveness of your Pilates workout. The mind-body connection not only enhances the quality of your movement but also helps you better isolate and engage specific muscle groups, leading to improved muscle tone and definition.

Pilates is a highly effective exercise method for achieving a toned physique. Through its focus on targeted muscle engagement, core strength, flexibility, and the mind-body connection, Pilates provides a comprehensive workout that sculpts and tones your muscles without adding bulk. Incorporating Pilates into your fitness routine can help you achieve your toning goals, improve your posture, and enhance overall body composition. So, embrace the power of Pilates and embark on a journey to a sculpted and toned physique.

The Timeless Benefits of Pilates: Why It's Good for Every Age

Pilates, a low-impact exercise system developed by Joseph Pilates, has gained immense popularity over the years for its numerous physical and mental benefits. While it may be commonly associated with certain age groups, the truth is that Pilates is suitable and beneficial for individuals of all ages. From children to seniors, Pilates offers a versatile and effective way to improve strength, flexibility, posture, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore the timeless benefits of Pilates and why it's an excellent choice for every age group.

Building a Strong Foundation for Children and Teens:

Introducing Pilates to children and teenagers can set the stage for a lifetime of physical fitness and healthy habits. Pilates helps improve body awareness, coordination, and posture during these crucial developmental years. The controlled movements and focus on core strength can enhance stability, balance, and overall physical performance, whether in sports, dance, or everyday activities.

Maintaining Vitality and Mobility in Adults:

As we age, it becomes increasingly important to maintain strength, flexibility, and mobility. Pilates offers a gentle yet effective way to stay active and counteract the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. By targeting deep core muscles, Pilates helps improve posture, balance, and alignment, reducing the risk of falls and injuries. It also enhances joint mobility and flexibility, which can alleviate stiffness and promote graceful movement as we navigate the aging process.

Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention:

Pilates is renowned for its rehabilitative benefits and injury prevention potential. Its focus on controlled movements and core strength can help individuals recover from injuries, manage chronic pain, and regain functional movement. Whether it's recovering from a sports-related injury, rehabilitating after surgery, or addressing postural imbalances, Pilates exercises can be tailored to meet specific rehabilitation needs, promoting safe and efficient recovery.

Promoting Active Aging and Wellness:

Pilates is an excellent choice for seniors who want to stay active, maintain their independence, and enjoy a high quality of life. The low-impact nature of Pilates makes it gentle on joints while still providing a challenging workout. Regular Pilates practice can improve flexibility, strength, and balance, reducing the risk of falls and promoting an active, independent lifestyle as we age. Moreover, Pilates' mind-body connection and emphasis on breathing can contribute to stress reduction, improved mental clarity, and overall well-being.

Mind-Body Connection and Stress Relief:

Regardless of age, Pilates nurtures the mind-body connection, fostering a sense of mindfulness and inner calm. The focus on controlled movements, breathwork, and concentration creates a meditative-like experience, allowing practitioners to cultivate a sense of awareness and reduce stress. This aspect of Pilates can be particularly beneficial for individuals of all ages, promoting mental clarity, reducing anxiety, and improving overall mental well-being.


Pilates truly is an exercise system for every age, offering a multitude of physical and mental benefits. Whether you're a child, teenager, adult, or senior, Pilates can improve strength, flexibility, posture, and overall well-being. From building a strong foundation to maintaining vitality and promoting active aging, Pilates is a timeless practice that adapts to the needs of every age group. So, embrace the power of Pilates, and experience the transformative effects it can have on your life, regardless of your stage in life.

Top tips for staying healthy while in self-isolation

1. Stick to a routine

Plan out a routine and stick to it. Having structure in your day gives you a sense of stability and peace of mind. For example, get up and go to bed at the same time you usually would and have your meals at the usual time. Make sure you get your normal amount of sleep. Plan different things for your weekend or day off so you can get a break from your routine, just as you normally would. 

2. Get a daily dose of fresh air

Go outside for a walk or run – it’s good for your physical and mental health. Again, plan it into your schedule so you are doing it every day. Getting out of the house will make you feel better and reduce cabin fever.

3. Eat healthy food

Make sure you’re getting your 5 plus a day of fruit and vegetables to stay healthy. Avoid unnecessary snacking which is easy to do when you’re at home. Keep your eating habits as close as possible to what you would usually do. An excess of alcohol is especially risky at this time, so keep to standard drinking advice and find other ways to relieve stress.

4. Stay in touch

A lack of face to face contact with others is tough. However, there are lots of other ways to stay in touch. Pick up the phone, video call friends or family and stay in touch online. Start an online neighbourhood group to keep an eye on each other. You could also throw a virtual party where a group gets together online and connects that way. There are also lots of resources and ideas on the internet to keep you occupied and connected.

5. Exercise regularly

Set aside time each day or week to exercise inside, in the garage or in the garden. It could be pilates, weights, dancing or other forms of exercise. There are many websites offering free virtual exercise classes. It’s also a great time to get stuck into the garden, mow the lawns, clean the house and trim the hedge.

6. Have fun

If you've suddenly find yourself with time on your hands, remember to do something you enjoy. Watch a movie, do some puzzles, play some board games, write that novel, read, redecorate, play charades, start to learn language or do anything else that will put a smile on your face.

7. Have a digital break

While it’s important to stay connected digitally, make sure you do have a break from it and balance your use. Plan times to be digitally connected and times when you switch to 'do not disturb' and become fully present to life in your bubble. 

8. Healthy balance of news

It’s tempting to keep checking all the latest updates about COVID-19 but don’t let it rule your life. Keep informed but also a have a break from the constant flow of information. Have set times where you check the news, maybe morning and night to keep a healthy balance.

9. Meditate

Meditation is proven to have many mental and physical benefits. As does practising mindfulness. They are both free to do and will improve your health and help you stay calm and centred.

Article from:

Longevity & Pilates

By Gisèle Wertheim Aymes

The founder of Pilates, Joseph Herbertus Pilates was an extraordinary innovator of his time. He created something truly remarkable that could be shared with the entire human race indefinitely.  But has Pilates been underrated and overlooked? Absolutely. I’ve been in the Pilates industry for 22 years. I am no spring chicken to it either. It also means that I have considerable experience of what changes Pilates can bring to any individual. It should be your go-to exercise for strength, tone, and the mind-body connection. All great for anti-aging and your longevity.

Mind-body connection

I’m always fascinated to see how so many articles in magazines are focused on boot camp, weight training, running, yoga or group fitness. Not to mention the fact that we see the same exercises that constantly feature in all the health magazines, labelled as the ‘go to’ exercises: The plank, ball workouts, the same ab workouts, the usual stretches and don’t forget the bridge. However, we have missed one amazing form of exercise that promotes longevity.  A mind-body connection like no other.  An amazing workout and not to mention variety like nothing you have ever experienced before.  I’m referring to the amazing world of the Pilates Mat and Equipment repertoire.

It’s a life-changing anti-aging exercise

Joseph Pilates came up with a series of movements that not only incorporated stretching, but also encouraged the body to build muscle.

If you have not seen the Reformer or Cadillac before, you could confuse them with some kind of medieval torture device. But when you have the privilege of moving on Pilates equipment, you’ll experience how your body awakens.


If I think about Pilates, the words that immediately come to my mind are: Life changing, magical, intense. Also challenging, creative, impressive, healing, powerful, gentle and oozing with pure movement bliss.

Are we not over, seeing planks, pelvic hinges on the ball and push-ups in a magazine? People are in search of variety, adventure and achievable goals and something that will make them look and feel great. But let us not forget the benefits that Pilates has within the body.  Where the shoulders, spine, hips, knees and ankles yell ‘Hallelujah’ for all the good loving that they receive.

Anyone can do it

This exercise judges nobody, no matter your age, shape, size, fitness or strength. I believe this is the most adaptable form of exercise that’s currently out there, that affords the client an opportunity to work in a more private setting if required. That feeling of euphoria, comfort and security combined with powerful results, lies within the root of the Pilates Repertoire. Whenever we read of healthy mind-body exercise, we read of Yoga. Don’t get me wrong, yoga is amazing, However, Pilates benefits are endless when it comes to anti-aging.

Strengthen your core and tone your muscles for longevity

How has the industry missed the ACE of exercise forms?

If you were told that there was a form of exercise that enabled you to; explore and discover your body in motion, tone your muscles, strengthen your core.  Increase your overall flexibility, increase full body strength and promote longevity, would you not sign up in a heartbeat?

Ok, so you pay a little more for a Pilates session.  But to be 100% honest, this is investing in your body. It’s about anti-aging, living well and avoiding those horrendous medical bills.

Depressed, pregnant or for sports?

This is not about quick fixes. This anti-aging exercise is focused on pretty much everything and your final destination is longevity.

Do you want to tone, rehabilitate or enhance your sports performance? Are you pregnant? Pilates will help. Do you need to de-stress? If you’re looking for a holistic approach to your body? Pilates. You want fewer aches and pains?  You’re depressed?  This exercise will help.

If you want variety?  There are at least 540 exercises to choose from and with modification as much as 2000 different exercises.  It’s insane, but true!

No matter your age

Have you ever seen Pilates Equipment? Even the names are cool. There’s the Cadillac and the Wunda Chair. Ladder Barrel, Spine Corrector and of course, the Reformer.  Have you seen the really impressive Pilates repertoire of anti-aging exercises?  The Swan, Cobra, Hundreds, Flying Eagle, Teaser, Butterfly and the Mermaid to name a few.

I’ve trained professional sportsmen and women. From the elderly, the super fit, to the not so fit, the injured, pregnant ladies and those that just need to do something to stay healthy. Guess what? They’re addicted. 22 years later I am also more addicted than ever before. What a healthy addiction!

Get a good instructor

Often sports can be predisposed to certain injuries but Pilates brings something different to your workout and plays an incredible role in cross-training. It was due to dance. I discovered Pilates in 1998 and used it as my form of cross-training. My performance improved and it definitely reduced my rate of injuries!

My advice would be that you make sure that you attend class at a professional Pilates studio.

Before you join a studio, ask yourself these questions?

  • What is the energy like at the studio? Welcoming and supportive?

  • Are you learning anything from the instructor?

  • Do they adjust an exercise for you according to your needs?

  • Is your class full of variety, movement, discovery and the correct level of intensity?

  • Are your instructors familiar with anatomy?

  • Is the full Pilates space being utilized and are you exploring all the equipment?

  • Do you feel that there is a good flow to your class?

Get hooked

So, this is my bit to get you to open your eyes to  all the possibilities this exercise regime brings to your health and anti-aging regime.

Get hooked on the right things in life. The things that are going to prolong your health, your joints and your overall well-being. That’s Pilates!

The Tower!

We know Pilates Reformer already! Get to know the mighty Pilates Tower.

Versatile and strength building. Pilates Tower makes for a fun work out. The Tower is a piece of Pilates equipment you should learn about. It adds variety and challenges the body in a new way to further stretch and strengthen the body for all of life's pursuits!


At first glance it looks like a medieval torture device, but fear not! The Tower is a vertical unit that uses a variety of attachments - a roll-back bar, arm springs, leg springs and a push-through bar to provide a full body workout. Basically it uses a multitude of springs! The Pilates Tower is an extremely adaptable piece of Pilates equipment and like all other pieces of Pilates equipment can be used to further challenge or give support in order to address the functional needs of the advanced as well as the beginner Pilates enthusiast. 


Throughout the 20th Century, Joe Pilates created diverse pieces of equipment to support his techniques and mat exercises. One of the largest of his inventions was the Cadillac or Trapeze table which combines a cushy big mat with a metal frame. It offers the practitioner different types of springs attached at varying locations on the frame for a multitude of resistance and level options. Later on in the 1980s a more compact version of the Cadillac was developed to be used in studios for individual and small group classes. Thus the Tower Unit ( also known as Wall Unit) with all the springs of the Cadillac was born. 

Reformers use springs which all are attached to a central anchoring point. The Tower offers a variety of springs in different locations, allowing the legs, arms and torso to work directly with the spring. The stable platform of The Tower makes it much easier to master the seated and standing exercises. 


You do it for significant ongoing improvement in your alignment, strength, muscle definition and stretch. It is an incredibly versatile, dynamic, fun and powerful workout. Pilates Tower offers all of these benefits from the first workout onward. 

Tower allows adjustment of springs and resistance for your height, weight, and strength. It lets you target legs, arms, bottom or any part of your body, while still using your core. It is a total body strengthening workout, without stress on your joints.

The stretch on a Tower is unparalleled! The Tower exercises assign a great deal of focus to opening the hips, chest, lengthening the spine and emphasis on breathing to deepen each stretch. A Tower class is guaranteed to leave you feeling taller and lighter.

Pilates mat when done properly also targets the full body, however it takes some time for Pilates novices to develop that full body awareness and knowledge of the exercises. With Tower you can access total body work immediately and also safely prepare for more advanced Pilates mat moves.


You will typically warm up with a quick mat routine and then attack the tower from all angles - lying down, seated or standing!  Our professional and intensively trained teacher constantly ensures you are learning and having fun in this energy giving workout!

Check out our Classes here.

Author, Vlada Korolova

Gut-Healthy Smoothie Bowl

Smoothie bowl

1 bowl


1 cup blueberries
3 Tbsp almond or coconut milk
1/4 cup walnuts
2 Tbsp hemp seeds
2 Tbsp dried coconut

1. Pour the blueberries and alternative milk in a blender. Blend for 30 seconds and pour into a bowl.

2. Top with the walnuts, hemp seeds, and dried coconut.

All-Natural Remedies FOR INDIGESTION

Herbal Teas

Peppermint tea is super soothing for digestion and can help calm the spasms that are causing stomach pains and even gas or bloating. Chamomile is also very calming and is known to ease discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. It’s also known to be anti-inflammatory and to reduce bloating.

Lemon Water or Apple Cider Vinegar

We recommend drinking warm lemon water every morning to hydrate and alkalise, but there are more perks to being alkaline when it comes to indigestion. Alkalinity helps to neutralise stomach acid, so lemon water might be a big ally for those experiencing acid reflux often. Try a tablespoon of lemon juice in warm water before every meal, and reduce to once a day in the morning once things are under control. Apple cider vinegar has a similar effect, but can be too intense for some people, so make sure to dilute as well.

Fennel Seed

This Ayurvedic herb is another antispasmodic to alleviate stomach and gastrointestinal cramping as well as bloating. Add the seeds to your cooking, or steep them for 10 minutes in a tea (it helps if you crush them first to get the most potency out of them) to reap the benefits, which include getting rid of bloat, as it’s a diuretic.


Anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcer, and great for nausea, ginger is one of our favorite healing roots. Try steeping the fresh root in a tea, or buy the tea dried. You can also add it to smoothies daily, or juice it for an immune boost, though the burning sensation of pure ginger juice might be a bit extreme when stomach acids are already wreaking havoc, so dilute in a glass of room-temperature water.

Aloe Juice

Aloe vera is a miracle plant in so many ways. While the jelly is incredible for the skin, it’s also super powerful to get things moving in the digestive tract if indigestion has us suffering from constipation. Aloe jelly and juice can also help soothe an irritated tract if we are suffering the, er, opposite issue. It’s anti-inflammatory as well, which helps with pain, and it can help reduce an excess of stomach acid.

Sit Up (Avoid Lying Down)

If you’re experiencing especially terrible acid reflux at night and it’s keeping you up, sit up. If it’s late and you need to clock your beauty rest, prop up some pillows and doze slightly sitting up. Our gurgling stomach acids can reach our oesophagus much easier when we are lying down, so using gravity to keep as much of the discomfort at bay as possible is our best bet.



1.5 cups almond or coconut milk
2 teaspoons ground turmeric
1 tablespoon coconut butter
2 teaspoons agave syrup
A dash of cinnamon
A pinch of salt and pepper
1 date
1/2 peeled knob of ginger


1. Add almond or coconut milk to a pot on the stove over medium heat.
2. Add turmeric, coconut butter, agave syrup, cinnamon, salt, and pepper, and stir.
3. Once the liquid is steaming, add to a blender.
4. Add the date and knob of peeled ginger.
5. Blend until smooth and creamy.
6. Pour into a mug, sit back, relax, and enjoy.


Every time we open our eyes from a blissful night’s sleep, we have the chance to make a change and live our best life. Read on to find out how to set a positive vibe first thing in the a.m.

  • Deep breaths: Set your timer for five minutes, sit wherever you are, close your eyes, and just focus on the breath coming in and going out.

  • Meditative walk. Bring yourself back to the Now through your senses. Breathe: take in the scents around you, all the subtle layers of them, such as flowers, fresh-cut grass, and morning rain. Feel: the air around you, the motion of your body, the earth under your feet as you walk, the sun on your face. Hear: the sounds of birds, the wind, dogs barking, children playing, your breathing, and even your own heartbeat.

  • Avoid looking at your phone for the first five to ten minutes (or longer) of waking up. Use this time to disconnect from technology and connect with your thoughts. 

  • Keep a gratitude list in your notes on your phone or a journal and read over it after you’ve had your no-phone time in the morning. You can even text a close friend and let them know you’re grateful for their friendship. This small gesture will boost your mental outlook in a big way.

  • Schedule a morning Pilates (even if you’re feeling lazy) and encourage yourself to show up and sweat it out. Exercising in the a.m. increases energy and improves productivity for the day.

  • Say positive affirmations out loud: “I can do this.” “I am successful.” “I will complete this project.” These are all examples of how to increase confidence and ultimately manifest a positive vibe for the day.

Homemade Apple Tea



1 litre of water
1 red apple (sliced into quarters)
2 cinnamon sticks
8 whole cloves
¼ teaspoon of turmeric
1-inch cube of ginger (sliced)
1 bunch of mint
1 lemon
¼ teaspoon ground cardamom
Organic Manuka honey


Add water, apple, cinnamon sticks, cloves, turmeric, ginger, mint, and cardamom to a large pot. Squeeze half of lemon into pot, thinly slice the other half. Bring pot to boil. Simmer for 10 minutes, covered. Add 1 teaspoon of honey to bottom of each mug. Strain tea over honey in mug to dissolve.

Pilates for Teens

What Is Pilates?

Pilates was created by Joseph H. Pilates in the 1920s. It is a movement system that strengthens the core and brings the mind-body connection to the forefront through numerous unique exercises. It caters to people of all ages, all body types, and all fitness abilities. Teenagers in particular can benefit from this form of exercise because it helps prevent injury, and develops flexibility, coordination, balance and endurance. It’s perfect during their growing years.

Teens And Pilates…Benefits?

We believe there is the lack of programs for teenagers available at fitness facilities or schools that specifically target core strength, coordination, balance and flexibility. Pilates is the form of exercise that works the entire body with emphasis on function for overall health.Pilates helps teenagers gain awareness of their body and understand how its workings. Pilates improves the way their body functions, looks and feels – and knowing their body inside and out leads to greater self-esteem. Pilates can also assist with weight management issues in younger people because this form of exercise strengthens and lengthens core muscles without adding bulk. So teens can learn to love their bodies no matter what. Another benefit of Pilates for teenagers is that it helps prevent injury on the playground or on the court – and is the basis for improving posture, and increasing strength, balance, coordination and flexibility.

Pilates allows youths to learn about their bodies and how it works – and gives them something to strive for.

Who Can Do Pilates?

Pilates is designed for both the non-athletic teenager as well as the competitive teen. It caters to their various ages, fitness levels, and athletic abilities. Pilates is great for teens getting into highly competitive sports.

Some students come referred by coaches in order to improve at their sport, like gymnastics, figure skating, dance, swimming, golf, tennis, horse back riding, hockey, rowing, basketball. A Pilates program can fill the gap for teenage athletes by introducing them to basic Pilates principles; conditioning body and mind; and helping protect against injury by improving alignment, developing core stability and increasing neuromuscular control. They are taught to use their core as a powerful initiator of movement and as a shock absorber when landing.

Pilates really makes them feel better about themselves. It does that for adults too.

The Benefits of Pilates for Youths:

  •  Body Awareness

  •  Mental Concentration

  •  Injury Prevention

  •  Strength & Flexibility

  •  Weight Management

  •  Self-Esteem & Confidence

  •  Coordination & Balance
